Oof, this one is suprising, these two teas should’ve arrived in May but, oh Well, I’ll still show them to you all. N.B: This article may be updated throughout the month.

The Star of the Show: 2018 Hot Brandy Cake

First out of the box is the 2018 Hot Brandy:

“A blend of both white and black tea experiment gone horribly right, this is the latest incarnation of oursold out 2016 Hot Brandy. The soup is thick, smooth, and fragrant. It fairs well with both gongfu style and western style brewing. The tea has excellent endurance and can steep for a very long time and can even withstand being simmered or boiled without becoming acrid.

Both the white tea and black tea have been sun dried and should age well together. However, we are only two years deep on this experiment; though the results are promising, how it will age in the long term is anybody’s guess.”

This one was very late, but I can’t wait to try it out, the smell is definitely something else, very odd and smoky…? I’ll have to take a deeper look later !

A sweet extra !

Now the only extra I got was a mini of the 2021 Sun Skate, it is described as:

“A brand new black tea commission and the first time this tea was ever made by the farmer. Another lovely white2tea experiment gone right.

Sunskate was oxidized very lightly, so much so that we could probably refer to it as a strange oolong instead of a black tea. The goal was to leave room for further aging and oxidation in the coming years, but it’s a beautiful tea fresh as well. Made from material usually destined for raw Puer production, Sunskate has a syrupy thick body with bright aromas uncommon in a black tea.”


While this was a minimal showcase, it will be updated soon to accomodate for the new teas I’ll get this month ! Stay tuned :) !

- yaro